Friday, February 5, 2010

Is the ACORN-SCANDAL true about Barack Hussein Obama?

I am a McCain supporter. I saw it on his website. I am just wondering.Is the ACORN-SCANDAL true about Barack Hussein Obama?
True? Absolutely true! Look at ACORN and that is what Barrack Hussein Obama is all about. Want to know his Socialist philosophy? Look at ACORN and AYERS.

That was a great ad on the McCain Palin site too.

Is the ACORN-SCANDAL true about Barack Hussein Obama?
I bet you were wondering.

Obama gave a credible vote registration firm $80,000 to register voters, which we should be doing. That a few in an organization he has no direct connection to is not Obama's scandal.

I think 3 states purging their voters within 90 days of an election, which is illegal and purely partisan, is of far more concerning. Many registered voters are not going to be able to vote, with most being minorities! That is why they are being investigated by the FBI!

Still thowing out that Hussein I see, trying to link Obama with Muslims, which he is not!
The lovers of Obama say just what he says, that he had nothing to do with Acorn, except for 1 law suit which he one.

Republicans and others have many facts pointing to Obama being heavily involved with Acorn and that is what I believe.

But Acorn also says they are bipartisan even though they gave lots of money to the Obama campaign, and they said they are the ones who check out to see if the people that they registered are legal. Of course, they must not be doing a very good job since they are now under investigation. They are as bipartisan as Nancy Pelosi is.
I don't think anyone knows even a fraction of the truth about Obama and Acorn.

I expect as a ';Community Organizer'; working under the shield of ACORN, Obama may very well have been instrumental in their now infamous voter registration drives. If so, it is very possible Obama actively endorsed and committed voter registration fraud and perhaps voter fraud itself during elections in Chicago.

Liberals are going to elect the first President who possibly committed felonies BEFORE getting elected and they not only don't care, they are trying to bury it.
Did you see Palin Try to tie him to a terrorist that's not true either that's what they do when they fall so far behind in the Polls they Twist the truth do a fact check on it.whats true Is Keaton 5 and Palins Abuse of Powers as Governor of Alaska Both are Facts
Look it up there are plenty of stories out there decide for yourself.It is an interesting story that shows that corruption and voting still occurs.The number of illegal ballots is more than 60 by the way,but please do your own research and decide for yourself.
Have you ever given money to a charity like the United Way and then seen how it wasn't used properly?

For the most part, ACORN has registered thousands of new voters and done a good thing with their money.

Apparently, there are a few bad apples.
Definitely true. Did you know that Obama may not even be a US citizen? That's true, too. He is being sued to prove it. Here is the link.

Absolutely true. It's all over the place.
Yeah 60 registrations thrown out from 65,000 new registers.

Oooooohhhh! BIG scandal
According to CNN ITS TRUE!
It's true
Yes, he's a crook

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