Friday, February 5, 2010

Will you still vote for McCain if the lobbyist scandal is true?

Will you still vote for McCain or support him, if you already voted for him, if the allegations of an inappropriate relationship with a female lobbyist are true? The New York Times implicates McCain as performing legislative and political favors for a female lobbyist in exchange for use of a private jet and funneling of corporate donations. There is also an implication of a possible sexual scandal. If these things are true, will you still vote for, or continue to support, McCain as the Republican nominee?

(Republicans ONLY please! I know you Obama lovers would love to face McCain in the general election already.)Will you still vote for McCain if the lobbyist scandal is true?
This is nothing compared to the next possible McCain scandal. I wasn't surprised when I heard about Ms Iseman. I read an article two weeks ago that correctly predicted this would happen...see belowWill you still vote for McCain if the lobbyist scandal is true?
Absolutely! I don't care what he does in his personal life. besides, with as busy he has been and his wife or some family member by his side I find it hard to believe he had time to do anything with the lobbyist. it's a ploy by the dems to dredge up dirt any way possible. no one is perfect
What difference would it make? It's well known that he left his first wife for his second wife, who is much younger. His first wife was recovering from a bad car accident at the time. If that can be forgiven by the voters, the rumor of a discrete affair should be nothing in comparison.
';...IF the lobbyist scandal is true...';?

Buddy, there's *always* a scandal going on within the ranks of the GOP these days.

This latest example just proves that the Republicans still favor keeping the status quo the same--over the change that Obama represents and wants for the American people.
I'd go to the gates of hell and back to support this Great American hero. If he is the man to face the Democratic far left wingers than I would support him if there just about any kind of scandal.

You want a good scandal? Just look at the Democratic nominees and their idea of what they think America should look like. It looks nothing like what our forefathers intended. Mac is back.
Yes I will still vote for McCain
at his age it could only earn him respect, or a lucrative endorsement deal for Viagra.
Yes, it doesn't change the fact he's far more qualified than the democratic candidates.
as long as he doesnt get on the stand and lie about raping her.
Rush is a lair.
Yes, because:

1. It doesn;t change his stance on policies, and I agree with him on most areas (except immigration); and

2. Even with the allegations of inappropriate political favors for this woman (which to me are the more important part of this allegation, way more important than any trivial sexual impropriety), McCain is still the one who has tried to clean up Congress with the McCain-Feingold Law. Even though this shows he is a little dirty, he's still less dirty than someone like Ted Stevens or Harry Reid.
Hey, if it's not true, how can it be a scandal?

You've already made up your mind.


No relationship, no evidence.

Nothing to see here, move on.
I wasnt going to vote for him anyways. OBAMA YOUR MOMMA
Yes, I will mainly because I do not believe it,but even if by some extremely remote chance he did have an affair with the female lobbyist. I can forgive him,because I have admired him all my adult life, and think of him as an American hero. I still would rather have him in the office than Obama. Whose morals have come into question more than once, one example of what I am speaking of is the link you posted at the bottom of your post. Strange how the major news networks have been all over this lobbyist scandal tonight, but haven't said a single thing about Mr.Obama's alleged desecration's, and haven't interviewed this Sinclair guy even though he has said publicly he will take a polygraph,which in my opinion makes his claims more alot valid then the people at the New York Times who leaked the scandalous story about Mr. Mccain.

As long as he doesnt lie under oath about it
The New York Time is under investigation for this story .

Probably media BS.

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